Friday, March 11, 2011

DAY 58: Keeping the Ball Rolling...

Keeping the ball rolling is what it takes to make it in this business, of that I'm sure. I’m finding that little steps along the way make for big changes, but it’s staying motivated and pushing through the slower times. I signed with a talent management company two days ago and feel really inspired by our meeting. I finally understand the difference between managers and agents. Explained expertly by my new manager, agents are just middle-men, like brokers. They arrange the sale, but don’t get too personally involved. Managers, however, have a personal relationship with their talent. They help develop and promote the best possible final product – the product being the actor! My job as an actress is to be professional at auditions and on-set and then, simply, to know, understand and BE another person…my character. Speaking of characters, my latest booking is a new webseries about superheroes! I play Jynx, a bad-ass chick with a rifle and a vendetta!

PS- I’m editing my reel and should have it completed by the end of the month (crossing my fingers) so you can see what I’ve been up to!

58 DOWN. 32 TO GO.

Much Love,
