How appropriate, right? I take a 3 week hiatus from blogging to move across town, audition for several feature films(soo exciting!) and develop a Facebook page for my private personal training business ( and it just seems fitting that my next post would be about staying focused. It’s so easy to let “life” get in the way of our immediate and long-term goals, but the key is to recognize when you fall off track and get back on ASAP! Someone once told me that you can do a few things really well or a lot of things inadequately. I can be an actress, a personal trainer and a family member, but I only have 100% of myself to give and beyond that those people are getting crap from me b/c I’ve over-extended myself. Harsh, but true. And I’m not a fan of handing out crap. But knowing how to divvy up your time and energy is important and sometimes you have to work and allow things to suffer in order to figure that out. If I split my focus between too many projects or aspirations, I won’t accomplish any of them quickly - or at all unfortunately.
Yes, I have a lot going on and a lot to do, but I take it one day at a time and put my attention on my priorities for that day. Each day a new set of priorities arise and I take care of them in order of importance. Right now I have 2 things I HAVE to do immediately: 1) Get my reel together, 2) Follow up with an amazing management company I met with (yay!).
Every night before bed I write an “Action Items” list. These are things that must be done as soon as I can make them happen and preferably the next day. I try not to put more than 3 items on there and keep a running lists of to do’s somewhere else.
So, here’s to staying focused and MAKING IT HAPPEN!
32 DOWN. 58 TO GO.
Much love,